Experiences for a lifetime, Thank You!! :)


It is often said that a picture is worth 1000 words, but I prefer to think that an experience is worth more than words and even more than any number of words. To be an exchange student is an experience of a lifetime. Though I only stayed in New York for a duration of four months, the four months experiences will be forever present.


From the exchange, I gained a family, memories, friends and a separate life completely apart from that of Uganda. Some people may ask "Was it easy?" I'll say no, "Was it fun?" Yes for most part  "Was it worth it?" it was worth every single moment. It taught me more than simply about math, science language. I learned about life in every meaning, everything from maturity, acceptance, diversity, personal worth and how it is to live in a decent world.


It was during my experience that it occurred to me the following: the purpose of life is to learn how to live. The way to learn is by living and by experiencing experiences. It is in this way that I thank my host family, friends and many others for their support. I'm forever greatful to them for teaching me how to live and being able to see the world from a totaly different perspective. With your help guys I was able to have an experience unique to me in my own special way.


New york City will forever and eternally hold a very special place in my heart.

Thank you! on behalf of me and my family.  :-)


Halloween in NYC :-)

It is no secret that New Yorkers like to play dress up, which is why there's some truth to the saying that in NYC everyday is like Halloween. They have a standing tradition of celebrating all month long so I had to get me a costume or some kind of scary mask mask to wear, you know, so that I could blend into the crowd of marching monsters....


I'm somewhere in the crowd, mission; find me! :)

Hey there....

It's getting late here but I thought I would share a quick update of what I have been up to. I spent the whole day yesterday visiting my host brothers friend, Chandler in Albany. This was my first trip since I arrived and for most part I loved it! I really am a city girl :)


Albany was fantastic I mean it really is the Capital of New York City, the weather was wonderful for being in the middle of October. The underground system is great for getting around the city even if the Tube gets a bit crowded at times.


I took this pic from Chandler's bedroom, he lives in a very long flat.... I have never seen such a wonderful view :)

New York, here I come!!

Hi everyone!


My name is Isabell and I'm 15, soon 16 years old. I'm a senior at Kunskapsgymnasiet (Knowledge High School) in Globen, Stockholm. My hobby is pretty much “trying out new stuff”, I like exploring new things and experiencing different cultures and lifestyle. I felt kind of bored with my same routine everyday life here in Uganda so I decided it was time for an adventure. This fall I'll be traveling to New York City, Albany as an exchange student I'll live with a host family. I had to first apply to an agency which later on contact me that they were a few spots left in New York. I was literally filled with joy!


I'll be staying there for a whole semester so I'm very anxious. I'm defenetly going to miss my family but I'm so excited to meet new people and friends. New York City, here I come!!


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